

阅读 : 148 次



  4. Now, It is commonly / generally / widelybelieved / thought / held / accepted / felt /recognized / acknowledged that....

  They claim / believe / argue that ....

  But I wonder / doubt whether ...

  4.1 It is commonly believed that the rise in teenagesmoking is the inevitable result of economicdevelopment. They argue that if there are nocigarette advertisement on TV, no cigarettes available everywhere, and no adequate pocketmoney, teenagers are unlikely to take up the habit of smoking. But I doubt that it is asatisfactory explanation. While conceding the effect of advertising and other commercialfactors, I think that the primary cause is social and individual rather than economic.


  4.2 It is widely felt that there is a fear plainly uppermost in the minds of most people today.They are afraid of the future, and if you ask them why, they conveniently blame the atomicbomb. But I suspect that the nuclear weapon is only the scapegoat for our fears. We are notafraid of the future because of a bomb. We are afraid of bombs because we have no faith in thefuture. I believe people no longer have faith in our ability to control our own future.


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本文标题:2015英语专四作文常用句型:引导句(4) - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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