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  Recently, a website has become a hot point under discussion, it has aroused some controversy. The website’s name is, this website offer a place for the heart broke people who are want to share the experience that they were betrayed. However, the highlight is they also expose the mistress and betrayer’s photo. Some people think this could be an alarm that can protect people from heart broke, while others think this violate human right. For me, I agree with the latter.


  On the one hand, having affair is a moral issue; most people do not want it exposed to the public. If they really want to solve this problem, keep it low could be the better. Moreover, the urge to shout filthy words at the top of their voice was as strong as ever when the lawful wife found out the mistress, they even fight with the mistress. I guess this is enough that is not a glorious thing after all. Three parties are embarrassed if it is posted on the net.


  On the other hand, mistress has their normal daily life. If they were exposed, many radicals would find them out by all means, and blasted away at their behaviors, put their anger to the mistress even they don’t know her at all. Certainly, it will mess up the mistress’ normal life, and they will get a lot of pressure from it. Although they become a mistress, they are still human beings, they have rights.


  To summarize, being a mistress is an indignant behavior, but we should not forget they are human beings like us, who are deserve legal rights. Therefore, the best way is keep it low and solve it peacefully.


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本文标题:专四作文范文:情妇享有隐私权么? - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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