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  Do you know how many minutes are there in a year? Have you ever wondering how many minutes in a year? The answer is five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, then how do you measure a year in the life? In daylights? In sunsets? In midnights? In cups of coffee?I guess now most people measure a life in finishing works or studies, which is dry and boring. How about we use love to measure a life.


  A year, which means you have five hundred twenty five thousand journeys to plan, your life is on your hand. You are a scriptwriter of your life; you could choose to live in a comedy or a tragedy. If you measure your life in love, then every minute you won’t dare to waste. You won’t enjoy a lie-in in the morning; you will pay more attention to improve the relationship with your parents and friends, because you understand it that one minute that passed your eyes, you are already lose a minute to spend with them in your life. You hardly will not wasting any minutes on meaningless things and focus on planning to make the best journey of your life.


  Therefore, treasure every minutes in your life, because life is a one-way journey, once you lost it, is lost forever. And there is no regret medical to take. From now on, treasure every minute in your life and measure your life in love.


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本文标题:专四满分作文:珍惜每一分钟 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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