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  How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?

  Nowadays more and more people areconcernedabout mental health issue. It is reportedthat the number of people committingsuicide is onthe rise. Many of them committed suicide justbecause of somelittle frustration such as failing anexam. If they had paid more attention totheir mental health, they might not have reacted insuch an extreme way

  How to keep ourselves psychologicallyhealthy? First, we should adjust ourselves to the newconditions. When we go toa university as freshmen, or go to work in a strange city, we maybecomenervous because everything is so unfamiliar. The only way out is to adjustourselves tothe new conditions and shake off the anxiety quickly. Second, weshould know our-selves welland admit that we are just ordinary people. Knowingthat ordinary people may not be good ateverything, we can easily accept somesmall failures in our lives. Third,we should try to share ourfeelings withfriends. By doing this, we are assured that any difficulty can be solved sincewe arenot alone.

  It is very important for us to bepsychologically healthy, and we should pay more attention toour mental health.

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本文标题:2016专四作文范文:如何保持心理健康 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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