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  Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?

  1. 大学生目前存在错误心理“大学生应比非大学生挣钱多” 给出大学生会有这种错误的心理的原因



  Should grad students be paid higher than non-grads?

  In our country, it is obvious now that the university graduates earn more money than

  non-graduates. I quite agree with those graduates who have paid a lot for their studies and expect to make more for either himself or his family.

  However, it is not so optimistically for those who hope to make it. The critical career

  competition makes them frustrated due to many factors involved. One of the utmost factors is that they feel what they anticipate is not matching up with what they have found in reality. Many university graduates are not satisfied with what they get for what they have done. As a matter of fact, some of them expect so unrealistic that they immediately lose the credit to the workforce they belong to.

  On the contrary, some of the non-grads who are more realistic in career hunting tend to get more satisfied job compared with graduates. Thus what really matters here in salary balance is how one can contribute to the organization rather than what background they hold. The tuition is really high in China. Many high quality students due to this have lost their academic pursuit. Any responsible government should inevitably take this burden and put more money in order to bring up better next generation for the nation.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:“大学生应比非大学生挣钱多” - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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