

阅读 :


Abott was doctor . In the past ,he had a passive attitude about life .It was said that he patterned himself on his father’s behavior pattern .He liked to wear jeans that had a patch on the knee .His favorite pastime was patting his kitten’s soft paws .One day ,one of his patients died of cancer ,which awoke Mr . Abott. He read a passage in the Bible for the dead man .From that day on ,Mr.Abott had a passion to invent a new kind of medicine .He had great patience with it . He knew the only passport to success was hard work .On the day he finished the work ,the laborers who worked for him demanded prompt payment .He paid up all he owed .After paying off the laborers .He pasted up the pattern of his invention on the wall. Mr .Abott got a patent for this invention .His patron had great interest in it .He came to visit Mr. Abott by bicycle .The patron came down a path paved with cobblestones .No parking on the pavement .So he had to keep his bicycle in the passage .Mr .Abott was at home alone.His wife put their cattle out to pasture. The patron was quite a patient person.He advised Mr .Abott to sell the patent to him . Mr Abott paused before making the important decision.Finally he decided to contribute his invention to society .He did that to pay back society .His patriotic action raised many people’s admiration


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