
Guitar jokes

阅读 : 202 次


  Q: How do you make him stop playing?

  A: Put notes on it!

  Q: What did the guitar say to the guitarist?

  A: Pick on someone your own size!

  Q: What's the definition of a minor second?

  A: Two lead guitarists playing in unison.

  Q: What do you call two guitarists playing in unison?

  A: Counterpoint.

  Q: How do you get a guitar player to play softer?

  A: Give him a sheet of music.

  Q: How many guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?

  A: Twenty. One to change the bulb and nineteen to say, "Not bad, but I could've done better".

  Q: What does a guitarist say when he gets to his gig?

  A: Would you like fries with that?

  Q: What is the difference between a guitarist and a Savings Bond?

  A: Eventually a Savings Bond will mature and earn money!

  Q: What is the difference between a guitar and a tuna fish?

  A: You can tune a guitar but you can't tuna fish.

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