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  Model Essay(范文):

  There are a lot of advantages to having friends who are different from you. For one thing,they'll give you a different way of looking at the world,. Friends who are different can introduceyou to foods, music, politics, and books you've never tried before. If you're a spontaneouskind of person, someone who is more scheduled can help you get better organized. You, onthe other hand, can help them loosen up a little bit, and do things more on the spur of themoment.

  Someone who is different from you won't have the same reaction to situations. This can bea big help. If you're the kind of person who gets very impatient waiting for your meal in arestaurant, it helps to have someone calm with you. Your friend can help you keep yourtemper. If you're a little timid about standing up for yourself, a more assertive friend can helpyou develop a little more self-respect.

  However, there can also be advantages to having friends who are similar to you. You usuallyenjoy doing the same things, so you don't have to argue about what you want to do.Sometimes it's fun experiencing new things. Other times, it's more fun doing what you knowyou'll enjoy.

  All things considered, I think I'd like to have a lot of acquaintances who are different and afew close friends who are similar to me. That seems the best of both worlds.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:你选择朋友的标准是什么 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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