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  People Migrating to Another Country

  Nowadays, many people choose to live is a foreign country, which has aroused great concern. Many people, especially some intellectuals and celebrities, migrate to some developed countries^ such as America, Britain and Canada. In addition, there are also many people studying and working in foreign countries struggling for “green cards1'

  There arc many reasons accoimting for this phenomenon. Among all these fectorSj pursuing high-quality life, which is guaranteed in wealthy countries, plays a critical role. Besides, most people oiigrate to some foreign countries in the hope that their children t;an receive better education and have a more promising future there. Moreover, some people move abroad just expecting to experience a different culture- As far as I am concerned, though I wouLd like to experience various cultures all over the world, I won’t migrate to another country. For one thing, I hate to live far from my friends and relatives who have been with me for more than twenty years. And I firmly believe in the saying that “East or west, home is best.*’ For another, the preparation before movmg Jo another country would be a tough task* Especially,learning a foreign language is really a torture to me.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:移居国外 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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