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  Model Essay(范文):

  I disagree with the statement that the decisions people make quickly are always wrong.However, I think those decisions probably turn out to be wrong more often than carefully madedecisions do. Usually, fast decisions are based on what we call our “gut reactions,” or feelings wehave about a situation. Sometimes these gut reactions are based on good sense backed byexperience, but sometimes they’re based on nonsense or poor reasoning.

  Let’s say you’re at work and the boss calls you to his office and tells you there’s a big projectthat needs to be done. He thinks you’re the best person for the job, but he needs an answerfrom you on the spot. He hasn’t told you what the project is, but you make the quick decisionto accept. This is the right quick decision, because you’re basing it on a lot of factors that willoccur to you later. One is that it wouldn’t make sense for the boss to ask you to do somethinghe didn’t think you could handle. That would only hurt his business. Plus, doing a good job onthis project might help your career. You realize it’s good to reach higher, if you want to getahead.

  But let’s say you’re on a deserted highway late at night and your car breaks down. Alongcomes a car driven by someone who doesn’t seem quite right to you. He offers you a ride to thenearest gas station. You make the quick decision to accept the ride because it’s late, you’recold and tired and you don’t want to sit there waiting for the highway patrol to arrive. This is acase where a quick decision is a wrong decision. You shouldn’t trade your personal safety forphysical comfort, and if you thought about it, you wouldn’t.

  How do you know when it’s okay to make a quick decision? You have to be able to guess at thepossible benefits versus the possible dangers. If it’s a small decision like where to go to lunch,who cares? However, if my whole future were at stake, I’d want as much time as I could get tothink about it.

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