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  Conflict resolution is very important. Thetechnique is the same whether it's between people, between groups, or between nations. Youneed to find a common ground; you need to learn what both sides want; and you need to plansteps to resolve the conflict.

  Finding a common ground is the first important step in any conflict resolution. Forexample, if two countries are fighting, a mediator could do what is the single thing that bothcounties are concerned about. One answer might be their children's future. Agreeing on thefuture of their children is an important first step.

  The next step would be to try to determine what both sides want for their children. Forexample, Country X says, "Security from Country Y." Country Y says, "Security from CountryX." Obviously, they feel threatened by one another.

  The third step is to plan steps to resolve th

  e conflict. A mediator might ask what would make each side more secure: Strongerborders? Increased trade? Smaller military forces? Once the steps are established, the peaceprocess has begun.

  I don't mean to imply that this is easy. Resolving long-term disputes is not simple. But theprocess can be broken down into three steps (common ground, needs, steps to resolution) andthen repeated and repeated until there is peace.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:解决双方问题时该注意什么 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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