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  Should Star Reality Shows Be Decreased?

  Since stars or celebrities often have great charisma to attract and affect ordinary people, those reality shows they attend can arouse our reflection and discussion on some issues we may have ignored before.

  Let’s take the example of a well-known star reality show “Dad, Where Are We Going?” Not only does the program trigger our precious memory about care and love from fathers, but different ways of interaction between star fathers and their children bring about a fierce discussion about the family education and let us rethink the way we get along with our families.

  In addition, star reality shows, to some extent, have been used recently as an important way to introduce China’s regions and to promote tourism of the place where they have been filmed. When “Chinese Running Man”, a reality TV show that gets popular Chinese stars to complete different tasks outdoors, filmed a segment in Dunhuang, Gansu province, it brought a lot of good publicity to the area. After the show was broadcast, there were hundreds of news reports on Gansu and thus it attracted thousands of tourists throughout the country.

  It is unnecessary to fix our eyes on tiny shortcomings of some star reality shows because, on the one hand, programs demonstrating what the society wants and needs will definitely retain and if not, they will finally vanish from sight; on the other hand, many star reality shows benefit the audience and the economic growth.

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本文标题:2018英语专四作文题目:应减少明星真人秀吗? - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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