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  According to a recent survey involving over 3000 undergraduates, 35% of university students have never said “Thank you” to their parents. Their parents have done all they could to bring them up in the past score of years, but have never been rewarded with gratitude.

  The subjects claim such reasons as follows. First and foremost, a quarter of the interviewed students regard it as parents’ duty to support them spiritually and financially. And it is not necessary to express appreciation to their parents. However, the majority of youngsters are aware of their parents’ tender love but are not accustomed to saying “Thank you”. Some even find a generation gap between themselves and their parents, thus feeling reluctant to express their affection for their parents.

  In my opinion, extending thankfulness to our parents is a way of respecting them and their love. We should express our feelings directly and bravely, but what’s more important is, we should do all that we can to reward them.

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本文标题:2018英语专四作文范文:对父母要说谢谢吗 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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