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  Topic 6

  Usually, companies would like to employ experienced applicants. For many college students,they lay their emphasis on study,and the experience gained in internship is far from enough. Do you think that companies should exclude potential applicants just because they do not have enough experienced Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic :

  Should Companies Only Focus on Experience?

  In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument,and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

  Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


  Should Companies Only Focus on Experience?

  As one researcher observed,“ At present many companies do not trust new graduates ,who may have learned mountains of theories but lack practical abilities.,’ For many companies, they would like to rank working experience as top requirement in their recruitment programs. But,as a matter of fact,college students have spent years in taking compulsory courses and selective courses, how can they accumulate required experience in college? They can not help wondering whether companies should lay their emphasis on experience when recruiting college graduates. As for me, companies' focus on experience is short-sighted,and hence companies should not only lay stress on experience.

  Firstly, what lies behind their focus on experience is the motivation to cut expenditure in employee training. Another consideration is that experienced employees can produce immediate profits. For those employers,they are more interested in making money in the present than cultivating talents for the long-term benefits. They seem to lack long-term strategies of company development. Generally speaking, prestigious companies that have lasted for a dozen years, even hundreds of years, always have a systematic plan for talents training. They would like to bear the burden of new employee training expenditure for the long-term benefits. How can we expect those companies that are apathetic to recruit college graduates to reap profits in the future without enough supply of talented employees?

  Secondly,while the recruitment of experienced employees can produce short-term profits, it is hard for those experienced employees to identify with the new companies' culture, and therefore, companies have to suffer from high employee attrition rates. Companies' cultural identities have been considered increasingly important to maximize productivity by holding both employees and employers together. Loyal employees are willing to stand by their companies in times of ups and downs. When employees frequently come and go,companies have to bear new hiring costs,costs of lost productivity ,cost of knowledge,skills and contacts that the person who is leaving is taking with them out of the previous companies. Obviously,the total expenditure of recruitment of experienced employees in the long term is likely to transcend the expenditure of training loyal employees in the beginning.

  In sum, companies focus on experience is indicative of the motivation of producing immediate profits by cutting expenditure in training inexperienced college students. In the long run,companies are likely to bear more cost of high attrition rates. Therefore, companies should not only emphasize on experience and should give opportunities to college graduates so lliat they can reap long-term profits.

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