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Online English Writing Community



  On the Importance of Self-discipline


  There are many college students who are bad atkeeping themselves in line.When they are requiredto finish some assignments,they will barely botherto do it unless they deem that they may becriticized by theirteachers.Instead,they spendtheir time playing computer games and watchingepisodes of TV programs,aswell as chatting withfriends on MSN or QQ.They oftentimes procrastinate so terribly that they havedone nothingbefore they go to bed. Despite the fact that every day they tell themselves that it will be afresh start,they just succeed in repeating their procrastination.Undoubtedly,thesestudents have not realizedthe importance of self-discipline in their lives.


  Firstly,the world is full of temptations to live an undisciplined life.In today’s society,theylivein a world where temptations are almost everywhere.There are a variety of TV programsthat tempt them into knowing what have become of the hero and heroine in the lastepisode. There are various occasions on whichthey find it hard to decline theirfriends’invitation.Though they make efforts to focus on professors’assignments,they usuallysurrender themselves to the mercy of entertainment activities and tell themselvesto put thehomework later on only to find out that the homework is not finished at last.Inconsequence,they have no respect for themselves.In fact,they hate themselves for beinglike this.But whatever they aim for a change, they just fall back into their old ways.This iswhat their lives will be like if they do not possess self-discipline.


  Secondly,as various interviews given by most of the successful people in the world show,self-disciplineis one of the qualities that help people succeed in their chosen fields. People whohave the ability toreject instant gratification in favor of something better,to follow actions byovercoming addictions procrastination and laziness,to resist temptations anddistractions,are more likely to attain aims and goals.On the contrary,lack of self-discipline leads to failure to reach goals, even minor ones, and to loss,health, obesityand other troubles.


  In sum,self-discipline is one of the essential qualities that contribute effectively to aman’s progress and development. While the world is teeming with temptations anddistractions, one can only succeed bylearning self-discipline.


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Online English Writing Community

本文标题:2015英语专业八级作文范文(四十) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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