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  The Importance of Hope in One's Life


  There are many occasions in our lives on which wemay feel like giving up, such as accidents, losing thebeloved one, terminal illness, failing in an importantexam, losing a job, and so on. Those life changingevents can strike us without warning, oftentimesseveral at a time, seemingly layer upon layer,weighing usdown. It seems that the seas of life areso rough and stormy that we are likely to get weary trying to keep our little boat from sinking.


  However, if we have hopes, we will not let those life changing events get the best of us andsuccumb to helplessness. Firstly, though hope is not an objective existence, it can arouseoptimistic feelings for the future. As many psychologists’ research indicates, reflecting on one’sfailures is generally good, but when it takes too much time, it is dangerous, for it soon becomesa self-fulfilling prophecy that will quickly break every slice of confidence that we have inourselves. That is how those who do not have hopes deal with these ups and downs. However,if people have hopes and always look forward to the future, they are able to envision asubjective picture of brightness in their mind, and take different measures to live a happy life.


  Secondly, having a hope helps people get rid of doubts and fears of day-to-day life and thechallenges they must overcome to stay on an even kee. This can be best illustrated in clinics.Medical practitioners arealways sensitive to the effects of their words so that their words mightbe acceptable to state the facts in such a way that they do not take away all possibility ofhope. Even if the patient does die, the time that he or she is given will be spent better if thepatient has been allowed some hope, as opposed to spending the remaining lifetime in a stateof perpetual fear that each day is supposed to be the last.


  On all accounts, indicative of having a hope is the optimism of our lives. So long as we still havehopes in our heart, we will always look forward to the future. Hope can also help us removedoubts and fears in our daily lives. In any sense, “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best ofthings”, as Andy Dufresne said in the Shawshank Redemption.


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