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  The Relationship between Historical Grandet and theFuture Greatness


  Given to the humiliating history of last twocenturies,Chinese people always make efforts tobuild a powerful China.In the recent debate overthe rise of China,some grass-root scholars arguethat since China had achieved grandeur in ancienttimes, Chinese people are likely to lead the worldagain.The logic seems plausible,but is there any causal relationship between historicalgrandeur and China’s future greatness?


  Personally,I do not agree with this opinion.Firstly,the argument assumes that they canpredict the future by finding evidence in the course of history.This mistake was criticized byKarl Popper in his influential book The Open Society and Its Enemies.In the book,helenientlessly attacks ’historicism’,which means an approach to make historical predictions bydiscovering the patterns that underlie the evolutionof history.In other words,precedent cannot be used to explain what will happen in the future.In China’s case,undoubtedly,it reachedthe historical peak in Tang Dynasty.At that time,China was preponderant inthe world,for nocountries could successfully challenge its superiority.Now consider the world situationat thattime.The world was separated by oceans,mountains,and deserts,for the communicationsmeans wereso retarded that China enjoyed a relatively safe environment except the threatsfrom neighboring countries.Nowadays,is it reasonable to predict that China’s greatness inthe future is based on Tang Dynasty’s preponderance when the world is becoming smaller andmore intermingled?


  Secondly,indicative of finding evidence in the course of history is China’s currentweakness.Though China has surpassed Germany as the third largest economy,its per capitaincome still ranks in the developingcountry category.There is still a wide gap between Chinaand the developed countries in terms of science and technology,education,militarystrength,and etc.Given that China is still a developing country, it is understandable thatwe can gain inspiration from the historical grandeur,but we can not use it as evidence tosupport our goodwill. What matters a great China in the future is the efforts we are makingatpresent.


  In conclusion,we can see that there is no causal relationship between China’s grand historyand its future.Historical grandeur can only serve as inspiration to urge us to make moreefforts.As one proverb goes,many hands make light work.Chinese people will build a greatnation in the future with combined efforts.


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