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  Further Study in Foreign Countries


  1. 准备出国学习的人越来越多。

  2. 促使出国留学的原因。

  3. 结论。

  A lot of college students are preparing for the TOFLE or GRE/GMET. Some even begin to do so immediately after entering the univer sity. The effort of all this hard work is obviously to earn the chance to go to foreign countries for higher level studies.

  That the developed countries can offer better educational environ ment may explain such a phenomenon. We can't deny that in certain fields, our country is not quite good. Other countries can help us to educate better scientific researchers. Some students whose major is foreign languages are eager to improve their language skills in the native speaking country where there is a better study environment.

  Some students are forced to he abroad by parents who think in other coumries their children can be better educated and have more opportunities there or when they come back. It seems that there are always good positions for those students when they return from foreign countries.

  For the above-mentioned reasons, many students want to pursue their further studies outside their motherland.

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