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  Over the weekend, 30 Japanese universities took partin the International Education Expo in Beijing. ROK,meanwhile, expects an influx of Chinese students,thanks to new exchanges between the two countries.


  Official figures show that in 2008 Chinese accountedfor more than 60 percent of the foreign students inROK and over 70 percent of those in Japan.


  While Chinese have many things in common with students in these two countries, they stillencounter surprises every now and then. We explored some of these differences in interviewswith people from all three countries:


  Seniors get respect 学长受尊敬

  Remember young people nodding at their elders and giving way to them on campuses inJapanese and Korean TV dramas? Well, that's no exaggeration.


  "We always respect elders for both their age and experience," said Hirotake Kobayashi, a 22-year-old student at Kyushu University in Japan.


  This still surprises Chinese newcomers. Liu described one time when Japanese undergradsinvited him, a grad student, to dinner: "They stood to the side although I asked them to sitdown. They kept bowing when speaking to me."


  Pan sees the same thing in ROK. "My local classmates remind me to bow to elders we meet oncampus," said Pan. "If we meet freshmen, we can sit and talk casually."


  These campus actions are a microcosm of the two countries' respect for tradition. "Fromchildhood, people are taught to be polite to people around them," said Gao. "They consider it aneasy way to live--not a burden."


  Dorm life 寝室生活

  Life in the dormitory will vary, depending on the country. Japanese residence halls oftenhave common rooms that students use to host parties. Liu Jianquan, a 26-year-old student atthe University of Tsukuba (an hour's drive from Tokyo), said he sometimes has to call the policeto get his Japanese dorm mates to quiet down.


  Koreans, meanwhile, are famous in Asia for their emotional behavior. Despite this, the dormsare more sedate than their Japanese versions. This can be attributed to the rules that governthe campuses in ROK.


  It also helps that ROK is such a small country. "Young people tend to choose local universities,so lots of students go home every day," said Kim's classmate, Pan Xiaoyu, 20.


  Off-campus pursuits 校外生活

  A survey from China Youth and Children Research Center this year found that many Japaneseand Korean students lack an optimistic outlook about their future. About 59 percent of youngJapanese and 58 percent of young Koreans say they "only want to be happy at the moment, anddo not want to think about the future".


  Sun Yunxiao, the CYCRC deputy director, attributes this perspective to their uncertaintyabout their society's future. "Also, their elders have created good living conditions, so theyprefer to enjoy a comfortable life rather than worry about the hard work that lies ahead," Sunsaid.


  And this worries the older generation. "Lots of parents in these two countries are sending theirchildren to study overseas so they will learn to live more independently," said Sun.


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:对比中日韩三国大学生不同之出 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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