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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends! China Classifieds!


  Model Essay(范文):

  Today more than at any time in the history of the world it is important to be able to read andwrite. This change has been brought about by the Internet which we use to communicate withone another, to get our news, and to sell our product.

  Millions of people communicate today through e-mail using the Internet. In the past peoplewould have face-to–face meetings or call one another on the phone; today they use e-mail andchat rooms. It is obviously necessary to be able to read and write in order to participate in thistechnological revolution.

  Today, one can subscribe to news and information services on the Net. When you turn on yourcomputer in the morning, you are given the headlines, financial news, sports scores, or socialevents that you requested. The news from television or radio—as many still do. Yet, gettingyour news from the Internet is more efficient since the news is tailored to your specificinterests.

  E-commerce also demands that people be able to write and read. Of course, the people whodesign web retail who sites, must be able to express themselves clearly in writing. Thepotential customers must be able to read the product descriptions. In the past, people wouldgo into stores (as many still do) and point to objects that they would like to buy. This physicalapproach to shopping does not require any special language skills.

  The Internet will force us all to be literate not only in reading and writing, but also withcomputers. Today, we must be skilled readers and writers to be successful in the high techworld.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:读写能力现在比过去更重要 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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