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  As two main solutions for_______________________________, ________ and ________ draw more attention ofthe public than ever before. Some place more stress on the former while othersattach heavier weight to the latter. If asked to make a choice between the twoforces, I would not hesitate to choose the latter rather than the former。

  There is no need to deny that_______________________ but it seems ___________________. Just consider thesituation in which _____________________. Moreover, ___________________. Bycontrast, _______________________ enables us to feel _______________, in fact,as _________________________ nothing brings more benefitthan_____________________. And what is more, _____________________________。

  As can be concluded from analyses above,when you judge between both on the basis of their nature, don’t you think that____________________________? Therefore, _____________________________。


  With the improved standard of living,____________________ plays an influential part in our everyday life. Althoughit is widely accepted that  _________________________, but in my opinion,_________________________________。

  It is true that X1 brings us into a wholenew world where we can easily see the changes in our life. However, just likeanything else, X1 also brings us some problems. For example,___________________. To make things worst, it ____________________. Instead,the advantages of X2 _____________________carry more weight than advantages ofX1. For one thing, X2 _________________. For another, X2also_____________________. Although X2 cannot______________________, few thingscan match X2 in terms of__________________________。

  For all the above reasons, I believe that_____________________________________。

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