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 Topic 2

 Nowadays,network games are popular among college students. Many play network games in their spare time for relaxation. There are also many who are so obsessed with network games that they play truant,and others even commit a crime for one reason or another. What do you think of network games? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic : Should Network Games Be Banned in College? In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 范文呈现 Should Network Games Be Banned in College? It is a prevailing practice that university students play network games in their spare time for relaxation. Some teachers and parents hold the negative opinion that many students are so obsessed with network games that they play truant,and others even commit a crime for one reason or another. Others don't agree. As far as I am concerned ,the critical point is whether the students can keep a balance between study and games. Some thought that playing network games will cost a lot of time and energy, which should otherwise be devoted to their academic study. After all,time is limited for college students and it's the most fundamental duty for them to study and lay a solid foundation in knowledge. And the content of the network games is sometimes violent and bloody, which is not suitable for students. It is also reported that some students are so addictive to the network games that they even don't go to class and sit in front of the computers all day long. Their worries and considerations are justified,but we should not give up eating for choking. First, life in college is not easy. Students have to work hard to learn and at the same time they have much pressure from their parents or others. Playing network games will help them to relax and be immersed in a virtual world. The rest of heart is important in the modern society. Second, students will learn more about team ??work in the network games. People in a team cooperate and help each other to win the game. The experience is vivid and works better than any lecture. Third, students meet different people on the Internet, and learn to get along with them in different ways. It may endow the very student with the ability to establish a better personal relationship with other people, which means a lot when they enter the society. To sum up,for university students,the priority should be given to academic study. A poor performance in achievement tests won't make us competitive in the future. But all work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Appropriate rest and relaxation in the network games world will refresh a person and help him to learn something. The college students are all adults,and they know clearly what they should do and what they shouldn't,and have the ability to control their behaviors. So they must strike a balance between study and network games, and give due weight to the studies.

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本文标题:2012年英语专八作文预测及范文(2) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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