
托福写作备考掌握结构分析法 提高托福综合写作成绩

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A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections。








附:新托福综合写作sample answer 两篇,针对的是同一个考题,第一篇用的是“点对点”结构,第二篇用的是“面对面”的结构。

Sample answer 1

Urban sprawl is defined as the growth of cities in an unplanned manner, spreading outward rather than upward. Although urban sprawl brings some positive influence to our lives such as new homes and businesses, better schools, less noise and crime, etc., many people, especially environmental campaigners, see it as harmful to human life and the nature, as it robs people of nature, wiping out parks and farmland, and also brings traffic congestion to roads linking cities and suburbs。

The New Urbanism movement is designed to address urban sprawl, and communities such as Celebration in Florida, which is constructed applying New Urbanism principals, have proved very effective in solving this problem. The first principle of New Urbanism is to provide effective transportation system and environmental protection. To achieve this, the town of Celebration has a large area of greenbelt dedicated to wildlife preservation. It also has buildings that are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. New Urbanism’s second principle is to provide housing and jobs that are close together. This is reflected in Celebration’s office and apartment buildings which are all densely constructed in a small area to avoid sprawling. Finally, New Urbanism requires neighborhoods to have both single and multi-family residences, and this is exactly what can be seen in the town of Celebration, where residents live close together and find it easy to socialize。

Urban sprawl is low-density, outward growth and mostly single-family residences. Its negative effects are robbing us of our nature and having us meeting traffic jams between cities and suburbs, while its positive effects are providing home construction, new business and better schools, making less noise and causing less crime。

Sample Answer 2

New urbanism has emerged to solve the problem of urban sprawl. Regions have to create transportation systems and environmental protection; Cities need to offer housing and jobs that are close together; Neighborhoods should have single- and multi-family housing where residence can walk to stores, public transportation and parks。

Take the community of Celebration for example. It meets the goal of social and civic interaction by setting up a central market street district and housing including single- and multi-family residences. It also meets the goal of environment preservation with its good environmentally-friendly town design, and with high-rise offices and apartment buildings which help reduce the population density。

New urbanism like celebration will bring new changes to urban sprawl。

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