
Putonghua and the dongbei dialect 普通话和东北方言

阅读 :

  根据下面提示,以“Putonghua and the dongbei dialect”为题用英语写一篇100词左右的短文:

  1. 普通话和东北方言有区别;

  2. 两者在汉字书写和语法上基本没有区别,但是东北话中有一些方言,如“旮旯(gala)”在普通话中就是“角落(jiaoluo)”,“俺们(an’men)”普通话用“我们(wo’men)”;

  3. 东北话和普通话在语音(pronunciation)和语调(intonation)上很容易听出来。如普通话中的“人(ren)”东北话常读作(yin);

  4. 但是两者区别不是很大,讲普通话的人和说东北话的人在交流过程中基本没什么困难。

One possible version:

  There are some differences between putonghua and some dialects, which are spoken in different parts of China, including the dongbei dialect.

  Written Chinese and grammar are almost the same, but there are some words in the dongbei dialect that are not used by people who speak putonghua. For example, dongbei people often use “gala” to mean “jiaoluo” in putonghua, and use “an’men” to mean “wo’men”.

  It is easy to tell small differences in pronunciation and intonation between putonghua and the dongbei dialect. For example, “ren” is often pronounced as “yin”. However, the differences are so small that people who speak putonghua and those who speak the dongbei dialect can understand each other without difficulties.

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本文标题:Putonghua and the dongbei dialect 普通话和东北方言 - 中考英语作文_中考英语作文万能句子_中考英语作文范文


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