
白发 郭沫若 中英文对照版

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白 发 
   啊,你年青的,年青的远隔河山的姑娘哟,漂泊者自从那回离开你后又漂泊了三年,但是你的慧心(5)  替我把青春留住了。

(1)“许久储蓄在心里的诗料”译为My long pent-up poetic emotion。“储蓄在心里”意即“被抑制的”,故译为pent-up。“诗料”即“诗情”,故译为poetic emotion。 
(2)“远隔河山的”不必按字面直译,现按“遥远的”意思译为of the distant (或remote) land。 
(3)“替我盥洗了”在此指“替我洗了头”,故译为gave me a shampoo。 
(4)“拔去了一根白发”译为plucking out a white hair from my head,其中hair作可数名词用。 
(5)“慧心”在这里可按“温柔体贴”、“富有同情的心”等含义译为feeling heart或tender heart。

The White Hair 
            ——Guo Moruo 
    My long pent-up poetic emotion emerged again this morning at a hairdresser’s 
    O young lady, you young lady of the distant land! Excuse me for addressing you as “young lady”, for your name is still unknown to me. 
    It was probably on a spring evening. You cut my hair, shaved my face, gave me a shampoo and applied some vanishing cream. 
    Finally, in the mirror I saw you plucking out a white hair from my head while parting my hair. 
    O young lady, you young lady of the distant land, I have been leading a wandering life for another three years since I saw you last, but it is your feeling heart that has been the cause of my sustained youth.

本文标题:白发 郭沫若 中英文对照版 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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