

阅读 :

  A team at Stanford University in California used computer learning software to sort through data generated by brain scans and detect when people were in pain.


  "The question we were trying to answer was can we use neuroimaging to objectively detect whether a person is in a state of pain or not. The answer was yes," said Dr. Sean Mackey of the Stanford University School of Medicine.

  斯坦福大学医学院的肖恩 麦基博士说:“我们正在尝试解决的问题是,我们能否用神经成像技术来客观检测出一个人是否处于疼痛状态,而答案是肯定的。”

  Currently, doctors rely on patients to tell them whether or not they are in pain. And that is still the gold standard for assessing pain, Mackey said.


  But some patients -- the very young, the very old, dementia patients or those who are not conscious -- cannot say if they are hurting, and that has led to a long search for some way to objectively measure pain.


  "People have been looking for a pain detector for a very long time, We're hopeful we can eventually use this technology for better detection and better treatment of chronic pain."Mackey said.

  麦基博士说:“很长时间以来,人们一直都在寻找 ‘疼痛诊断器’。我们有望最终利用这项技术对慢性疼痛病症做出更好的诊断和治疗。”

  For the study, Mackey's team used a linear support vector machine -- a computer algorithm invented in 1995 -- to classify patterns of brain activity and determine whether or not someone is experiencing pain.


  To train the computer, eight volunteers underwent brain scans while they were touched first by an object that was hot, and then by one that was so hot it was painful.


  The computer used data from these scans to recognize different brain activity patterns that occur when a person is detecting heat, and which ones detect pain.


  Mackey cautioned that the study was done in a very controlled lab environment, and it did not look at the differences between chronic and acute pain.


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本文标题:双语阅读:计算机也能诊断疼痛 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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