

阅读 :

Depression and Loneliness track me down after about ten days in Italy. I am walking through the Villa Borghese one evening after a happy day spent in school, and the sun is setting gold over St. Peter's Basilica. I am feeling contented in this romantic scene, even if I am all by myself, while everyone else in the park is either fondling a lover or playing with a laughing child. But I stop to lean against a balustrade and watch the sunset, and I get to thinking a little too much, and then my thinking turns to brooding, and that's when they catch up with me.

在意大利待了十天左右,“抑郁”和“寂寞”追捕到我。上了一天快乐的课之后,一天傍晚,我漫步过博盖塞花园,金色夕阳落在圣彼得大教堂上。我对这浪漫景象感到满足,尽管孤伶伶一个人,而公园里的其他人不是跟爱人亲热就是陪着嘻笑的孩童玩耍。然而我停下来倚靠在栏杆上,观看夕阳, 开始想得太多了点,而后转为沉思,于是它们在此时追查到我。

They come upon me all silent and menacing like Pinkerton Detectives, and they flank me—Depression on my left, Loneliness on my right. They don't need to show me their badges. I know these guys very well. We've been playing a cat-and-mouse game for years now. Though I admit that I am surprised to meet them in this elegant Italian garden at dusk. This is no place they belong.

它们像侦探似地,一声不响、满怀敌意地找上我,把我夹在中间——左侧是“抑郁”,右侧是“寂寞”。它们无须亮出徽章,我对这两个家伙了若指掌。我们已玩了多年猫捉老鼠的游戏。尽管我承认,暮色中,在优雅的意大利庭园里见到他们,着实令我 大吃一惊。它们不属于这个地方。

I say to them, "How did you find me here? Who told you I had come to Rome?"


Depression, always the wise guy, says, "What—you're not happy to see us?"


"Go away," I tell him. “走开。”我告诉它。

Loneliness, the more sensitive cop, says, "I'm sorry, ma'am. But I might have to tail you the whole time you're traveling. It's my assignment ."


I'd really rather you didn't," I tell him, and he shrugs almost apologetically, but only moves closer.



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本文标题:被抑郁追踪 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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