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  1. See the Moments Coming 迎接成功到来

  There are situations in every career (and often every day), when you must absolutely be at the top of your game in order to win. As you look through your calendar each morning, identify those moments and schedule a minute or two before each moment so that you have time to prepare yourself to win.


  2. Visualize the Winning Outcome 想象胜利的成果

  Create a vivid picture in your mind of exactly how things will look like when you've won this engagement. Imagine the words and sounds you'd be hearing (like applause and congratulations). Most of all, imagine how you'll feel when you KNOW you've won. Make winning so real that it's like you've already won.


  3. Disconnect From Goals and Results 别再想目标和结果

  Now that you've told both your body and mind that you've already won, let go of all that, as if it were past history. Don't think about winning or losing. Just be in the moment, focused on what you need to do next. If you watch Olympic athletes, you can actually see the moment, just before they begin, where they shrug off the thoughts of winning and make themselves ready to take action.


  4. Take Action 采取行动



  5. Celebrate 庆祝

  Regardless of the results of your actions-- even before you analyze whether or not you've won, take a moment to celebrate the incredible victory of doing your best while being in the moment.


  6. Learn 学习

  Now, and only now, take a look at your results. Regardless of whether you won at the level you'd hoped or not, notice what worked and what didn't. Hone your thinking so that you can make the process even more powerful when you prepare for your next big moment.


  Try the above method for three days. It will change your life.



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本文标题:英语短文:六个方法时刻准备着成功 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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