

阅读 :

  Don’t toss that peel–it may help you burn fat. When scientists added ursolic acid (found in apple skin) to the high-fat diets of mice, the mice gained less weight.

  “Ursolic acid ups muscle and brown fat, which boosts calorie burning,” says lead researcher Christopher Adams, MD.

  Other likely slimmers:

  Bergamot oranges: Studies show that compounds in the fruit may decrease cholesterol and help with weight loss.

  Blueberries: This superfruit may reduce belly fat by affecting fat-burning and storage genes, says a recent study.

  Pears: They’re high in flavonoids and catechins, antioxidants that help women ward off weight gain.


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本文标题:英语短文:减肥要吃的4种水果 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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