

阅读 :

  The 86 or so billion neurons in the human brain and the hundreds of trillions of connections between them allow us to think, walk, talk and interact with one another. It is no exaggeration to say all human nature lies within. The more we understand how it works, the better we can diagnose and treat neurological disorders from autism to Alzheimer’s.


  The 10-year €1.19bn project to simulate the entire human brain, announced on Monday by the European Commission is, at about a sixth of the cost of the Large Hadron Collider, the biggest neuroscience project undertaken. It is an important, but flawed, step to a better understanding of the organ’s workings.

  欧盟委员会(European Commission)日前公布了为期10年、耗资11.9亿欧元的研究项目,旨在模拟完整的人脑结构。该项目的成本约为大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider)项目的六分之一,是规模最大的神经学研究项目。它是人类朝着加深对大脑工作原理的了解迈出的重要一步,但也存在着缺陷。

  The flaw lies in the unrealistic goal. In the words of the science journal Nature, The Human Brain Project’s goal of a complete simulation is “a breathtaking ambition that has been met with some scepticism”. Although it would be valuable – enabling researchers, for example, to test the effects of mental-health drugs – the complexity of the organ is far too intricate to be modelled accurately with today’s computers. By most estimates, this is likely to be out of reach for decades.

  缺陷在于它的目标不现实。用科学期刊《自然》(Nature)的话说,人脑研究项目(Human Brain Project)提出了完全模拟人脑的“惊人目标,但也招致了一些怀疑”。尽管该项目具有宝贵的价值——例如,帮助研究人员测试精神疾病药物的药效——但人脑结构太过复杂,难以通过目前的计算机精确建模。根据多数人的估计,这一目标很可能在几十年内都无法实现。

  As neuroscientist Matteo Carandini recently observed, more than two decades of attempts to build simulations have yielded little, partly because complex systems are hard to model with sufficient precision (think about how hard it is to predict the weather two weeks hence). In the words of a classic 1972 essay by physicist P.W. Anderson: “The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe . . . At each level of complexity entirely new properties appear.” Large-scale models are possible but the more complex they are, the greater the computational demands, and the greater the risk of error. Even if computer speed continues to double every 18-24 months, it is likely to take significantly more than a decade to reach the point at which an accurate, complete simulation is genuinely feasible.

  神经学家马特奥 卡兰迪尼(Matteo Carandini)近期观察发现,20多年来的人脑模拟试验成果寥寥,部分原因在于对复杂系统的建模难以达到足够的精度(试想预测两周后天气的难度有多大)。物理学家P W 安德森(P.W. Anderson)在发表于1972年一篇的经典文章中写道:“人类能将一切事物简化到基本定律,不代表人类能从这些定律出发、重构出宇宙……事物的复杂度每变化一级,都会呈现出全新的性质。”大模型是可能实现的,但模型越复杂,对计算能力的要求就越高,出现误差的可能性也就越大。即便计算机处理能力继续以每18至24个月翻一番的速度发展,真正实现精确、完全的人脑模拟需要的时间可能也远不止十年。

  And even if we had sufficient computing power, we do not know enough about how individual neurons work, either alone or in co-ordination with other neurons.


  We still lack basic knowledge, such as how memories are encoded in the brain, and it is hard to simulate what we do not understand.


  Even so, it could foster a great deal of useful science. The crucial question is how the money will be spent. Much of the infrastructure developed will serve a vast number of projects, and the funding will support more than 250 scientists from more than 80 institutions, each with his or her own research agenda. A great many, such as Yadin Dudai (who specialises in memory), Seth Grant (who studies the genetics and evolution of neural function) and Stanislas Dehaene (who works on the brain basis of mathematics and consciousness), are stellar.

  即便如此,人脑研究项目仍能够促进诸多有用科学的发展。关键的问题是:资金如何使用?建立起的基础研究架构将服务于数目繁多的科研项目,资金将支持80多家机构的250多名科学家,他们各有自己的研究计划。包括亚丁 杜达伊(Yadin Dudai,专攻记忆)、塞斯 格兰特(Seth Grant,研究神经功能的遗传和进化)和斯坦尼斯拉斯 德阿纳(Stanislas Dehaene,研究数学和意识的大脑意识)在内的许多人,都是非常杰出的科学家。

  Still, by focusing on the newsworthy but unlikely goal of cataloguing all the brain’s individual parts, the project may squander some of its budget. By way of analogy, imagine a laptop fell to earth 500 years ago, and the world’s best scientists tried to discover how it worked. One strategy would be to dissect it, noting how the wires and transistors connect, developing tools such as microscopes and logic probes to try to fathom its complexity. Another would be to use the software to try to get a handle on what it did. One would hope to connect the two levels of understanding – one functional (what the laptop does), the other physical (how the circuits work). It is doubtful one could recreate the laptop by taking measurements.


  Contemporary neuroscience is filled with talk of axons, dendrites, neurotransmitters, and technical machinery such as calcium channels (which allow neurons to do their work). But too little is known about how those elements co-ordinate to mediate ideas, emotions and actions. Even basic phenomena such as short-term memory remain poorly understood. At present, the Human Brain Project seems too tilted towards physical understanding, with too little weight given to functional understanding. Truly understanding the brain will require bridging between the two.


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