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  5 ways to control your body language

  1. How to signal concentration 如何表示“专心”?

  To indicate that you are concentrating on what another person is saying, strike a "thinker's pose." Cross your arms, then place the fingers of one hand on your chin, with the thumb pointing down, and the index finger pointing up.

  2. How to conceal your hand 如何掩藏你的手?

  After being dealt strong hands, card players often extend and touch their index fingers together while keeping the remaining fingers entwined. Beware of an opponent who strikes this pose — and try not to do it yourself.

  3. How to show interest 如何表示“有兴趣”?

  In a job interview, project interest and enthusiasm by sitting up straight in your chair and looking directly into the interviewer's eyes. In a less formal situation, lean forward to indicate that you're interested in what the other person is saying.

  4. How to gain someone's trust 如何取得别人的信任?

  To gain someone's trust or to provide reassurance, pat that person's arm gently or put a hand on his shoulder. In a business situation, physical contact may not be welcomed by another person, especially one of the opposite sex. In this situation, smile reassuringly or shake hands firmly.

  5. How to be safe 如何保证安全?

  When walking along urban streets, especially those that might be dangerous, keep your back straight, your shoulders back, and your head up. Walk briskly. This demeanor projects alertness and makes you less likely to be a target for crime.

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本文标题:五招控制你的身体语言 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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