

阅读 :

  Got a difficult decision to make? Why not mull it over auf deutsch?


  A new study suggested that people are prone to make more sound, less risky decisions if they are thinking in a language other than their native tongue.


  The series of experiments, conducted by Boaz Keysar of the University of Chicago, led the scientists to believe that ‘using a foreign language reduces decision-making bias,’ Dr Keysar’s team wrote.


  Their findings, published in an April 18 Psychological Science study, say that human reasoning is shaped by both systematic, rational ideas, and another that’s emotionally-charged and rapid.


  The team gathered 54 UC students who knew Spanish as a second language to place bets on a coin toss.


  Each student was given $15 in dollar bills, and could bet $1 at a time on either heads or tails. If they bet and won, they could win $1.50, and lost nothing if they did not bet.


  When they were given the experiment in English, the students acted narrow-mindedly, and took the bet only about half of the time.


  But when the same students heard instructions in Spanish, they bet 74 per cent of the time.


  The conclusion, then, these scientists believe, is that thinking in a foreign language distances people from snap emotional decisions, allowing decisions to be more logical.


  The hope, they wrote, is that people can think in foreign languages to make more prudent financial and economic decisions.


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本文标题:研究:用外语思考会让人更理性 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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