

阅读 :

  Just in time for graduations, weddings, and summer vacations, here are five tips to help you develop the expertise to take the perfect pictures.


  Before you snap, get level with your subject.


  If you have little tykes, this means squatting down -- but trust us, it's worth it.


  Use the flash outside!


  When it's bright outside, it reduces shadowing. Overcast? The flash brightens the object of focus.


  Learn to use the focus on the camera to keep your subject well-defined, especially when it's off-center.


  Simply depress the shutter button halfway and move the camera until the bride is framed by the little box in the screen, then push the button all the way down.


  Speak up: Don't be afraid to tell the grad to adjust her tassel or the taller cousins to move to the back.


  Get up close and personal with your subject matter.


  A tight shot of a branch in bloom has more punch than a panorama of the whole garden. Likewise, the baby's pea-smeared smile says it all -- you don't need to include the dirty high chair. Move closer, zoom in, or use the macro mode and your pictures will have maximum impact.


  So what are you waiting for? Get out and start shooting! You'll be well-equipped with one of our favorite digital cameras.


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本文标题:五步教你拍出超赞照片 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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