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Brighton "healthiest" city in Britain

  Brighton is the healthiest city in Britain with the highest level of personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food stores, according to a survey released on Friday.

  The study, which looked at a range of 19 statistics covering health, fitness and environment, said the southern English resort had the highest number of residents who eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

  The research, conducted for the Sky Travel channel, compared 15 cities across the UK.

  Bristol and London were the next healthiest cities, with Liverpool, Glasgow and Sheffield the least healthy.

  It said Brighton residents lived to an average of 78 years, a year more than the average of the 15 sampled cities.

  They are twice as likely to walk or cycle to work.

  Compared to the national average, the resort has nearly a third more health food stores per head and two-and-a-half times as many personal trainers.

  It had twice as many yoga clubs per head than the other cities sampled, while the level of obese inhabitants is below the national average.

  Last year a survey found that Brighton residents had the best levels of cholesterol and blood pressure in Britain.

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