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  Father's Day in Canada


  In Canada, Father's Day is celebrated with lot of enthusiasm and fanfare. Since, the tradition of celebrating Father’s Day moved to Canada from US, Father’s Day in Canada is also celebrated on third Sunday of June. Just as in US, people in Canada too wear roses to express gratitude for their father. Traditionally, if the person is wearing red rose, it symbolizes the person's father is alive. Likewise, white rose means that the person's father is no more.


  Children in Canada express affection and honor for their dad by presenting them cards, flowers and chocolates. In modern times, several other gifts of love including neckties, shirts, electronic gadgets, stationery items etc. are also gifted to father by loving children. Another noticeable trend about Father’s Day celebration in Canada is that apart from their biological father people wish “Happy Father's Day” to their grandfathers, stepfathers, foster father, uncles or any other man who is as affectionate and loving towards them as a father.


  Immense popularity of Father’s Day festival has turned the occasion commercial to a significant degree. Days before the festival markets wear a festival look as gift and card sellers try to lure the people and harp on the emotional significance of the occasion.


  Dining out with family is another popular Father’s Day tradition in Canada. No wonder, restaurants and eating joints witness a bumper rush on the occasion.


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本文标题:加拿大的父亲节怎么过?(中英双语) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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