
名人家书:约翰奥哈拉致 女儿(威利奥哈拉)(1)中英文对照

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  7th january1962,sunday

  my dear:

  i have been thinking about our conversation oflast night,and i hope you have too.

  1962,in some ways,is wylie o'hara's year ofdecision.some of the decisions you make this yearwill have an important bearing on decisions youmay want to make several years hence.

  for example:suppose that when you are 20 or21 you should discover that you want to participatein one of the many activities that will be open toyoung people in the federal or state government.the first thing they will want to know is whateducation and/or training you have had nowadaysthe minimum,absolute minimum requirement forhundreds of jobs is two years'college,either at afour-year-college or at a junior college.

  for another example:you have said that youdon't expect to marry before you are 23.well,thatis something you can't be sure of,but suppose you do wait till you're 23.suppose your fiancé-husband is a young man who is taking graduatework at some university——law,medicine,the sciences,government work,etc.—and you and he are living in the vicinity of his graduate may want to do work on the college or the graduate school level yourself,but i assure you youwill not be very enthusiastic about it if you have tostart as a freshman of 23.

  now i could go on at some length,but the point i am aiming at it this:i want you to thinkvery,very seriously about what you are going to doafter st.tim' are not miss richbitch.youare not going to be miss churchmouse,either,butyou must think in terms of being able to earn atleast part of your own living.i don't think you aregoing to fall in love with a dumbhead.i think adumbhead,rich or not,would bore the hell out ofyou.therefore it is extremely likely that the kindof boy you will like and fall in love with is going tobe one who uses his brains to earn his living.thatalmost automatically means that he will be takingeither graduate work or special post-college training of some sort.and even if you have children right away,you will want to keep up with him intellectually.

  i can tell you from my own experience how important it is to have a wife with whom to discuss one's first wife was a wellesley b.a.and a columbia m.a.and a diplomat,i think they are called,at the sorbonne.your mother did not go to college,but she could have.sister and your mother both graduated from good schools and took courses at columbia and your mother even attended lectures at oxford without having toenroll there.both your mother and sister loved toread and read a great deal,and sister is multilingual.both your mother and sister dislikedwomen's colleges,but they did not dislike higherlearning.they formed their dislike of college-girltypes thirty years ago.the type has almostvanished,because the kind of girl your mother andsister were then would be applying for collegetoday.everybody goes to college.

  now this is what's on my mind:the tentative program you have outlined for yourself does notseem to me very“realistic”in 1962 and 1963 and soon.i am hopeful that you will redirect yourselftoward a good college so that you will get thosetwo minimum-requirement years on your recordand then be able,three years from now,to qualifyfor jobs or continue working for a will not regret having those two years on your record,whereas you might easily regret not having your father i have a duty to point these thingsout to you.but once i have done that i have toleave the real decision up to you.











本文标题:名人家书:约翰奥哈拉致 女儿(威利奥哈拉)(1)中英文对照 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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