
名人家书:约翰奥哈拉致 女儿(威利奥哈拉)(2)中英文对照

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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!











  tls,1 p.mrs.doughty

  quogue,long island

  16 september1962,sunday

  my dear:

  well,here we are——but not at st.tim's,sister in princeton,and me in quogue,andanother brand new year is about to start for you.for me,too.i always seem to approach the autumnin the frame of mind that spring induces in mostpeople.the excitement of new things;the newplays,the new books,new clothes,etc.,etc., the same time the autumn for me is a season ofa sweet melancholy that is hard to explain.i lovethe early evenings,the leaves burning,the lights inhouses.

  it is the beginning of a big year for you,inmany respects your biggest so the time junecomes around you will be 18,and graduating the past week or so i have called you“kid” but subconsciously i have been doing thatbecause your kid days are over,or just about.i suspect that you are going through the experienceof first love,and no matter what else happens,afterthat experience you are never a kid again.

  most of the nice things we associate withbeing a kid are okay——while you are still a kid.but you gain more than you gain inunderstanding standing,in appreciation of people,in understanding and appreciation of yourself.youbegin to see the wisdom in that quotation i have sooften repeated to you:to thine own self be true.every year at this time i have repeated thatquotation to you,and the time is not really too fardistant when you will be passing it on to your is probably the best single piece ofadvice i can give you,or you can give them.

  you have done well,and i am pleased withyou,not only for what you have done,but for whatyou miss finnegan said to sister,“wyliehas the right reactions.”so good luck in yoursenior year,and always know that the old manloves you very much.



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本文标题:名人家书:约翰奥哈拉致 女儿(威利奥哈拉)(2)中英文对照 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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