名人家书:兰德尔贾雷尔致 母亲(安娜里甘)中英双语
january 1963
dear mother:
i do hope you're feeling a lot better now.school's started again for us and i'm mainly tryingto finish crime and punishment before the end ofthe term.it was a great pleasure for us getting totalk to you christmas.i got a pretty stripedenglish shirt from brooks brothers with my half ofthe christmas check you sent us;mary got a beautiful pink blouse at bergdorf goodman.thankyou so much.
there was a nice mention in time of a sadheart we cut it out to send you,so as to be sureyou'd see it.
did i tell you that i've just finished anotherchildren's book?it's named the bat-poet and hasseveral poems inside the story.i really enjoyedwriting it a lot,and felt almost as if i'd written agrown-up story.
little mariecertainly has grown;she looks more like a small girl than a big baby.i gave mary a little georgian child's chair for achristmas present,and little marie liked sitting init.
bea has fixed her apartment awfully prettily;she and gerhard are happy as can be.
your christmas sounded awfully nice,both forall the visits and all the presents.we didn't havemuch snow compared with yours;so far this hasbeen rather a warm mild winter here——sunny,too.
write and tell us how you're feeling now;ihope very much you're beginning to feel like yourold self.
with lots of love
小玛丽(博耶特)当然长大了;她看起来更像一个小女孩,而不像一个大婴儿。我送给玛丽一个佐治 亚州的小童椅作为圣诞礼物,小玛丽喜欢坐在里面。