
“绯闻女孩”分享约会宝典 教你追帅哥

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She's a Hollywood actress with her own career and millions in the bank. But when it comes to love, it seems Blake Lively prefers the old-fashioned approached. The Gossip Girl star is rumoured to have turned to cult dating manual 'The Rules' to hook Leonardo di Caprio. Not calling him, making him jealous and acting 'busy', are just some of the commandments in the bestselling book by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, published in 1995, that Blake reportedly heeded to win the Inception actor over。

据报道,好莱坞英俊小生·莱奥纳多在电影《逍遥法外》中的片酬已经超过“剪刀手”约翰尼·德普,成为“好莱坞最吸金男星”,而作为莱奥纳多的新女友,同样是在美剧《绯闻女孩》中一炮而红的演员布莱克在5月份成功搭上这个“摇钱树”后想尽各种方法挽留住男友,招数可谓一样接一样。然而这位表面看起来光鲜照人的女星却在使用约会中最最传统、最最老套的方法企图“拴住”她的这位“人见人爱”的男友,除了自曝新闻莱奥纳多之母不喜欢自己、还曝出两人分手的传闻,这些看似“欲擒故纵”的把戏在她与莱奥纳多的恋爱过程中玩转自如,貌似取得了良好的效果,这不,由Ellen Fein和Sherrie Schneider出版的《约会宝典》(The Rules)中详细分析了绯闻女孩拴住莱奥纳多的秘诀。

A friend of Blake's told Now Magazine: ‘Blake loves dating book The Rules and has been following it to the letter. 'She knew Leo could have any girl he wanted and she figured she had to stand out from the crowd.' The blonde 23-year-old even made sure Leo officially broke up with supermodel girlfriend Bar Refaeli before dating him. The source said: ‘Blake told him he had to break up with Bar before she'd even go on a date with him, so he did. 'She's making him work for it - and he's fallen hard for her.'



1.Be a creature unlike any other


2.Possess a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe


3.Go to parties and events even if you don't feel like it。


4.You won't meet Mr Right sitting at home。


5.It's a fantasy relationship unless a man asks you out。


6.If he never asks you out, he's not interested。


7.In an office romance, do not email him back unless it is business related。


8.In a long-distance relationship, he must visit you three times before you visit him。


9.Men should always pursue women first。


10.If he does not call, he is not interested。



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