

阅读 :

1. They know their own value. Smart people’s capabilities are most likely to be invisible that cannot be documented by words and widely spread. Currently there is not a single knowledge management system that can garner invisible knowledge, which indicates that you have to employ these smart people in order to utilize their knowledge and skills. It is impossible for you to transfer their knowledge to others.

2. They have an acute sense of organization. Smart people are by no means innocent or arrogant in corporate politics. Instead, they are good at seeking the most favorable work environment and feed their interests with sufficient capitals. Once the capital runs out, they will face two choices: either shift to another capital-rich environment or getting involved in the complicated political combat to promote their favored projects.

3. They ignore corporate hierarchy. If you are intended to boost smart staff’s morale by awarding him with positions with superior titles or promotion, you will probably be foiled. However, do not deem that they are not interested in status. Rather, they may insist on others’ calling them “doctor” or professor”.

4. They are expecting their leaders to be easily approachable. If smart people cannot deal with their CEO, they would feel the company has not attached deserved importance to their work.

5. They have a great networking. Smart people tend to have a highly developed network which incorporates some friends that are equally significant to their own knowledge. Their networks have tremendously promoted their values in companies, but meantime increase the risk of their job-hopping.

6. They have limited forbearance to tedious work. In the age where staff turnover is increasingly high, if smart people’ s talents have not been fully utilized, they will gradually lose the passion of work and may leave the company without the least hesitation.

7. They will not feel grateful to you. Even though you practice a great leadership, smart people will not appreciate it. Keep in mind that these creative staff will never feel they are being “led”. As long as they still acknowledge your status, you are already successful!

本文标题:双语:聪明人的特性 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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