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English Blogs
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If you're seeking to reshape your life, reflect on the answers to these four questions to increase your awareness, expand your mindset, and change your outlook:


What thoughts do you keep thinking?


If fear is the first element that's sparked in your brain, you will act on that fear and hesitate, unable to make sound, firm decisions. Visualize a different circumstance or scenario, one that's more in your favor.


To whom are you listening?


Your best guidance will radiate from within. When in doubt, introspect: Are my choices satisfactory to me or to someone else? What do I honestly want to do?


What is your first reaction?


Have faith that regardless of what has happened, you will come out of it better than before. This allows you to reach a resolution to whatever problem may be at hand.


How do you regard others?


The more that you continue being a good, genuine person, the more you will be able to forgive those who have wronged you and find the right sort of company.



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本文标题:从内心深处问问自己?改变你生命的四个问题 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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