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勇于尝试 才能获得结果 Only the one, who tries, gets the result

A piece of jewelry should provoke (v.激起,煽动)! Provoke questions, provoke emotions, and provoke desires!珠宝充满无限的激情,能够引起思考,激发情感,也能挑起欲望! Speaking of jewelry, people always attach the value of the material to it.  They neglect the spiritual value of the art contained in a piece of jewelry.  But Esther’s jewelry doesn’t conform to(符合,遵守) this practice.  Esther herself gives people an impression of elegance, especially with her charming green eyes. You may want to stay a good distance away from her because she looks prickly (adj.多刺的,易生气的), but when you come closer to her, it is just wearing a ring she has designed, you feel free to lose yourself in her company without feeling threatened.   When people wear or see her work, they can easily read the message it contains.  They are so original and unique, yet not too abstract for the common person to understand.  We use jewelry to decorate and accentuate (v.强调) our physical features and complete ourselves.  Esther’s jewelry can even inspire you mentally, making you feel better about yourself; bringing out an inner glow.  Esther uses jewelry as a way expressing her feelings, and her own philosophy of life.  Our souls and our minds should not be limited.  Space and matter might be limited, but our imagination is not. When you are wearing a creative piece of jewelry there are no limits to what you can express through it.  参考译文: 一说到珠宝,人们就想到它的物质价值,而忽略一件珠宝所蕴含的精神价值。但是,Esther的珠宝却没有向世俗屈服。她本人气质优雅,一双绿色的眼睛尤其迷人。由于她看起来不严而威,你可能不敢靠近她。但是当你走进她,感觉就像佩戴着她设计的戒指一样,能够安心地把自己托付给她。佩服或者见到其作品的人们都能轻易读懂其中要传达的信息。这些作品虽然独一无二,但又不会太抽象让普通人看不透。我们佩戴珠宝来装饰身体,突出自己的身体特征,充盈自己。而Esther的珠宝甚至能唤醒我们的心灵,让人身心愉悦,从内而外焕发光彩。Esther用珠宝表达自己的情感和人生哲学。我们的灵魂和心灵不应该受到束缚。空间和材料是有限的,而我们的想象是无限的。当你佩戴着一件创意非凡的珠宝,你就可以随心所欲地诠释它。  人物背景:Esther Brinkmann,瑞士珠宝设计师,大学教授。Esther在自己的首饰中倾注的不是华贵雍容,而更多的是艺术和生活的糅合。经过她的双手打造出来的作品,透着浓浓的人情味,值得佩戴者和观赏者去细细品尝。

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本文标题:双语:勇于尝试,才能获得结果 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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