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  The Badger, a Courageous Fighter

  The badger has been nicknamed“doormat”because of its broad, squat form and its hairy back.Actually it is a courageous fighter.In pioneer days it was considered great sport to turn a pack of dogs loose on this furry foe, but few dogs were willing to challenge the badger a second time.

  When attacked, the badger digs a protective hole;if cornered, it releases a strong odor from glands near its tail.The badger's height――only about nine inches――places its throat below the line of attack of most dogs, and the back of its neck is protected by coarse hair.

  In a fight, the badger's front claws are for midable weapons.It can leave a dog limping after one well-placed bite of its sharp teeth.Only the low-slung dachshund can easily get a deadly throat hold on the badger;this dog was once much used in“badgering”。Fortunately for the badger, the popularity of this sport has decreased considerably.





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獾 勇猛 斗士

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上一篇:2,300万年后的美国 下一篇:病人和船主


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