Shenzhen English Corner

My First Kiss

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IT was a hot summer day in July . I had been playing football with my friends all afternoon and was on my way home to take a shower when I met Louisa; the Louisa whom I had had a crush on for several months. She was blonde, with eyes the color of blue diamonds. I will never forget the way they twinkled when she looked at me. The first thought that ran through my head was that I could not look too nervous - it would ruin everything - and what I could do prevent it from happening. Before I got the chance to think that thought through she said, "Hi, Peter." I was paralyzed for two seemingly endless seconds. When I hit the ground again, all I could stammer out was "Hi." She did not seem to take any notice of the absent look on my face, but I felt convinced she did notice it.

"Wanna go for a walk?", she asked me innocently.

I knew what I wanted to answer, but couldn't get it out.

My tongue simply refused to form the obvious words, "Yes, I'd love to." Even though I didn't say anything, I must have signaled my consent in another way, because the next thing I remember is she and I walking hand in hand along the near by beach, my bike propped against some tree a bit back. I was still in a trance-like state, feeling like I was living the dream of my life. The strong on-shore wind blew her long blond hair away from her face, allowing me to get another glimpse of her crystal blue eyes. After having walked for what seemed to be about ten minutes we sat on the beach, looking out at the unruly sea.

We didn't exchange one word for the next ten minutes, something, which suited me just fine. I had made my infatuation with her very clear by the look on my face and my taciturnity.

Words were superfluous.

Another ten minutes had passed when, suddenly, she faced me and looked me deep in the eyes. I instantly knew her intentions, and mirrored her movements, drawing my lips slowly closer to hers, completely lost in the blueness of her eyes. When our lips finally met, I felt the whole universe falling down on me. I was convinced that if love at all existed, this was it. Our relationship didn"t last more than two weeks, but I"ll never forget my first kiss.

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