
New solar energy center for Gansu

阅读 :

  There's a bright future for solar energy in China, especially in its remote regions.

  An international center to promote solar energy will be built in Lanzhou, capital of northwest China's Gansu Province, with funding from China and the United Nations.

  The center will be built by the Natural Energy Institute of Gansu and the UN Industrial Development Organization.

  It will pump up US$300,000 as a fund for startup, said Xi Wenhua, vice president of the Gansu Provincial Academy of Sciences and also head of the Natural Energy Institute.

  China will contribute 150 million yuan (US$18.5 million) to cover the costs of land acquisition and expenses in building a center.

  There are more than 3,000 firms engaged in production of solar energy converters across China. By late 2004, Chinese companies had produced 500,000 megawatt photovoltaic units.

  The Natural Energy Institute of Gansu has developed more than 130 solar energy technology items over 30 years.

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