
Download Love

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  With the widely-spreading use of computers and Internet, it is easy for us to download many things ranging from MP3 to Chatting tools, still there is something that you cannot download only with computers and the Internet, which is called “love”。

  15 months ago when I first explored this wonderful illusory cyber world, I was captured by the romantic cyber love. The one I was in love with was a knowledgeable and humorous man who was doing his master degree. I laughed and cried for him simply because I was in love. I stayed up whole night chatting with him on the phone also because I was in love. I sang and danced and everything in my mind appeared so beautiful, still because I was in love. With this kind of romantic and exciting love, I thought I'd already got the whole world.

  However, I was not satisfied that I could only feel him and communicate with him through the wire or touch him on the screen. I was not satisfied that when I needed an arm to rest myself on, he was not with me. I was not satisfied that he could not stand shoulder by shoulder with me to enjoy the beauty of the sea. All in all, I was not satisfied that I had to put all my passion toward him into the unemotional words. I wanted a love, a real love from the real world.

  Then we met, in the real world…

  Actually, without my mentioning the end, I think you will have already got the answer. Yes, my two-month-long cyber love ended in vain just like most cyber lovers had already experienced. I don't want to argue for who is right and who is wrong, for any dispute on a past matter is meaningless. In fact, I should thank for this kind of experience as it helped me grow up in this illusory world.

  I know that many romantics are now devoting themselves heart and soul for this downloading of love with wonderful fantasy in your mind too. I do not want to reduce your courage or confidence for this downloading, but I do want to remind you that to download love is not as easy as we download a MP3 or a lovely Cartoon. To download a love, you need make many preparations from many aspects and you have to take possible download failure into consideration too. The prerequisite of this downloading is that you two are bound together to protect and defend for this downloading, and without the support from either side your downloading will turn to a failure.

  Love itself is a tender baby who needs special tender care and protection from both sides. Actually, the cyber world is not a good living environment for love as it lacks many necessary conditions that love depends on. It is undoubted that it will be more difficult to download it from a illusory world into a real world, anyway, if you two have already made enough preparations, vowed to overcome all the obstacles, and to take response for everything happened in the real world, your downloading is much likely to be a success, who knows.

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