
The Man on The Ground(2) 躺在地上的人(2)

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    It was pretty plain to see, though, that he was already dead. Althoughthe paramedics did everything they could, they weren't able to bring him back to life. What had started out as a fun morning for everyone had taken ona bit of a darker hue. It seemed,though,that almost no one who had run the race knew him personally, so while there was plenty of concern among the runners, there was not a whole lot of mourning. Besides, when they put him into the ambulanceand took him away, none of the paramedics actually told us that he was dead, so nobody really knew for sure.




    1.mourning/6m%rn!0/ n.哀痛, 哀悼, 哀伤

    The court will go into mourning for the late king.皇室将为故王服丧。

    2.ambulance/6#mbj*l*ns/ n.战时流动医院, 救护车

    Paramedics put the injured into the ambulance carefully. 医务人员小心地把伤者放进救护车里。


    1.take on 开始显现;变得有;承担(工作、责任等)

    2.plenty of 许多


    1. Although …they weren't able to… 尽管……他们还是不能……

    Although they have tried their best,they weren't able to get the first place. 尽管他们已经尽力了,但他们还是不能得第一名。

    2.It seemed that… 似乎……It seems that there is something funny about the case.这件案子似乎有点奇怪。

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