English Corner

The Man on The Ground(7) 躺在地上的人(7)

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Online English Writing Community

    I want tolearn tolive so that when my time comes, I won't wish that I had done anything differently. If I can reach that point in my life, then my life will be much, much easier, and many more people will benefitmuch more frommy presencein their lives.

    “I hope that even if today was my last day, my last words to anyone might have been words of encouragement, love, and peace.”






    presence/6prWz*ns/n.出席, 到场, 存在

    She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed. 她一声不响,几乎没有人留意到她在场。


    benefit from 受益于

    You will benefit from her good example.你将从她的好榜样中得益。


    even if… 尽管/即使……

    I will try it, even if I may fail.即使我可能失败, 我也要试一下。

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