
Are You Having Fun at Work?

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  The lack of humor in workplaces is a real shame, according to experts in corporate culture. Studies have shown that happy workers are productive workers, which enhances1 profitability2.

  The stress that is endemic3 in today's workplace is no joke. If you can learn to laugh, you and everyone around you will better weather4 the stress storms.

  Paul McGhee, Ph.D., of The Laughter Remedy5 says that a good sense of humor will contribute to6 your success in these ways:

  1. Change. Roles and responsibilities are changing rapidly in today's workplace. Your sense of humor provides the resilience7 needed to cope with change.

  2. Growing leadership. As your career progresses, you'll probably be asked to lead more and make more decisions in your organization. Building your humor skills will boost8 your ability to lead effectively.

  3. Increased stress. As already mentioned, stress is a factor in all jobs. The more responsibility you assume9, the more stress you experience. Humor is one of the most powerful stress- management tools around. Laughter helps you reduce muscle tension, release anger, improve your ability to overcome panic and bring anxiety under control, as well as keep a more positive frame10 of mind.

  4.Demand for creativity and innovation.A better sense of humor will enhance your creative thinking abilities.

  5.Outstanding communication skills. Everyone in your organization needs these skills, and humor can be a wonderful way both to boost interest in what you have to say and help you become an accepted team member.

  Okay, are you ready to laugh it up and encourage your colleagues to do the same? Here are several helpful suggestions to get you started using humor.

  Step 1. Surround yourself with humor and determine the nature of your sense of humor. How to do this? Watch more comedy movies; look for cartoons in magazines and newspapers; spend more time with your funniest friends and colleagues.Step 2. Become more playful and overcome seriousness. Spend more time playing with your kids; make a list of things you find fun and do one of them every day.Step3.Laugh more heartily and start telling jokes. Step 4. Play language, puns, and other verbal games.Step 5. Find humor in everyday life. Look for the unexpected, incongruous, bizarre, and ridiculous aspects of life.Step 6. Take yourself lightly; laugh at your own mistakes.Step 7. Find humor in the midst of stress.













  1.enhance vt.提高,增加,增进

  2.profitability n.效益,收益,利润

  3.endemic adj.某地(或某些人中)流行的 vt.经受住

  5.remedy n.治疗,疗法


  7.resilience n.适应力;复原力

  8.boost vt.提高,增强

  9.assume vt.承担,担任

  10.frame n.精神状态;情绪,心情

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