Shenzhen English Corner


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  Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, distinguishe delegates, and ladies and gentlemen: We meet one year and one day after a terrorist attack brought grief to my country, and brought grief to many citizens of our world. Yesterday, we remembered the innocent lives taken that terrible morning.


  Today, we turn to the urgent duty of protecting other lives, without illusion and without fear.


  We've accomplished much in the last year ―― in Afghanistan and beyond. We have much yet to do ―― in Afghanistan and beyond. Many nations represented here have joined in the fight against global terror, and the people of the United States are grateful.


  Twelve years ago, Iraq invaded Kuwait without provocation. And the regime's forces were poised to continue their march to seize other countries and their resources. Had Saddam Hussein been appeased instead of stopped, he would have endangered the peace and stability of the world. Yet this aggression was stopped ―― by the might of coalition forces and the will of the United Nations. To suspend hostilities, to spare himself, Iraq's dictator accepted a series of commitments. The terms were clear, to him and to all. And he agreed to prove he is complying with every one of those obligations.


  He has proven instead only his contempt for the United Nations, and for all his pledges. By breaking every pledge ―― by his deceptions, and by hs cruelties ―― Saddam Hussein has made the case against himself.


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